Sungfeel Yun


1977년, 대한민국 서울 출생

- 작가 소개
윤성필의 작업은 선의 반복이 모여 만들어진 유기적 형태로 완성된다. 무한히 확장되는 구조에 관심을 갖고 꾸준한 연구를 지속해온 작가는 정연한 선의 흐름이 만들어내는 기계적 반복성을 작품으로 구현해낸다. 이는 움직임의 가시화를 은유하며 힘과 에너지를 형상화 한다. 작품에서 선의 반복은 증식을 넘어 하나의 생명과 같은 역할을 지니고 있으며, 평면과 입체를 넘나들며 독특한 구조를 이루고 있다.

Sungfeel Yun
Born in Seoul, Korea, 1977

In Sungfeel Yun’s works, numerous individual lines are repeated until they form an organic shape. Fascinated by structures that could expand infinitely, Yun steadily researched the idea for a long time until he became able to reproduce his mechanical repetition of immaculate lines into works, which hint that it may be possible to visualize movement and render power and energy. The repeated lines in his works go beyond proliferation and become almost a living organism of a unique structure traversing the second and third dimensions at will.

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2013 M.F.A. Sculpture, Slade School of fine art, University of London, 런던, 영국 졸업
2011 B.F.A. Art Practice, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 런던, 영국 졸업
2008 B.F.A. The Humanities and Social Science, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 런던, 영국 졸업


주요 개인초대전

2022 ‘편집된 생태계’, 전남대박물관, 한국
2022 ‘맥시어쳐’, 표갤러리, 서울, 한국
2019 ‘불합리한 인식’, 인천아트플랫폼, 인천, 한국
2018 ‘Eyes wide open’, 메이스페이스, 서울, 한국
‘Chi and its vitality’, 엑스포아트갤러리, 여수, 한국, 외 다수



2013 M.F.A. Sculpture, University of London, Slade School of fine art, London, UK
2011 B.F.A. Art Practice, University of London, Goldsmiths College, London, UK
2008 B.F.A .The Humanities and Social Science, University of London, Goldsmiths College, London, UK



2022 ‘Maxiature’, Gallery Pyo, Seoul, Korea
2019 ‘Irrational recognition’, Incheon Artplatform, Incheon, Korea
2018 ‘Eyes wide open’, May Space, Seoul, Korea
‘Chi and its vitality’, Expo art gallery, Yeosu, Korea
2017 ‘Signal Green’, Gyunggi Creation Centre, Ansan, Gyunggi-Do, Korea
‘Panta Rhei’, HRD gallery, Kyoto, Japan, etc.


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